May 31, 2016

Developer Diaries – Episode 1

The first episode in our new series of behind-the-scenes footage and developer diaries has been released! This week we’re introducing you to Medieval Engineers producer Tim Toxopeus. He’ll tell you a little more about himself, as well as the short term and long term plans for Medieval Engineers. We want players to keep in touch

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The first episode in our new series of behind-the-scenes footage and developer diaries has been released! This week we’re introducing you to Medieval Engineers producer Tim Toxopeus. He’ll tell you a little more about himself, as well as the short term and long term plans for Medieval Engineers. We want players to keep in touch with what’s going on week-to-week in Medieval Engineers development, so on upcoming Tuesdays you’ll hear a lot more from Tim, programmers, artists, and testers about changes they’re making to the game. Keep an eye out for interviews, dev diaries, modding guides, and more!


Developer’s note: We want to remind players that with last week’s update, we released a new stable branch for Medieval Engineers on Steam (no action is needed from players to access this branch). With the release of this stable branch, we have decided to temporarily pause weekly updates (though video updates will continue as usual). Without the pressure to release something new for players every week, we can direct all of our energy towards getting Medieval Engineers in a more intuitive state and fulfilling our original vision for the game. Read more about this decision on Marek’s blog:


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