June 7, 2016

Developer Diaries – Episode 2

The 2nd episode in our new series of behind-the-scenes footage and developer diaries has been released! This week we’re giving you a tour of the Medieval Engineers work space in the Keen Software House offices. Spoiler: we have a lot of Medieval-themed stuff We also briefly say hello to members of our dev team. Finally,

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The 2nd episode in our new series of behind-the-scenes footage and developer diaries has been released! This week we’re giving you a tour of the Medieval Engineers work space in the Keen Software House offices. Spoiler: we have a lot of Medieval-themed stuff :) We also briefly say hello to members of our dev team.
Finally, we have a special weekly update video planned for next week – a Q&A session with our devs! We need your help with questions, so please leave them in the comments section on our forum or send them to us through Facebook or Twitter. Thanks!


Developer’s note: With the release of this stable branch, we have decided to temporarily pause weekly updates (though video updates will continue as usual). Without the pressure to release something new for players every week, we can direct all of our energy towards getting Medieval Engineers in a more intuitive state and fulfilling our original vision for the game. Read more about this decision on Marek’s blog: http://blog.marekrosa.org/2016/05/keenswh-team-structure-new-medieval_24.html


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